The BOLD FAN Texture: Soft. Weight: 86g Heavy Speed: Slow Weight distribution: Low, Wide The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The FAN is the heaviest and smoothest tool...
The ART FAN Texture: Layered. Weight: 86g Heavy Speed: Slow Weight distribution: Low, Wide The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The FAN is the heaviest and smoothest of...
The BOLD KAMA Texture: Slightly Aggressive. Weight: 42g Very Light Speed: Very Fast Weight distribution: Very Low The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The KAMA is the smallest tool...
The KAMA Texture: Fine Detailed. Weight: 42g Very Light Speed: Very Fast The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The KAMA is the smallest tool from the KATA BLADES...
The BOLD GADA Texture: Large Gradations, Fine Highlights. Weight: 68g Medium-Heavy Speed: Medium Slow Weight distribution: Top The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The GADA is an exciting tool...
The ART GADA Texture: Aggressive and Smooth. Weight: 68g Medium-Heavy Speed: Medium Slow Weight distribution: Top The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The GADA is an exciting tool with...
The BOLD KRIS Texture: Layered Textural Gradations. Weight: 52g Medium Speed: Fast Weight distribution: Low The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The KRIS is like a texture magician. It...
The ART KRIS Texture: Highly Textural Aggressive. Weight: 52g Medium Speed: Fast Weight distribution: Low The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The KRIS is like a texture magician....
The BOLD SAIF Textures: Balanced Mix. Weight: 54g Medium Speed: Medium Fast Weight distribution: Progressively upwards The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The SAIF is a strong and...
The ART SAIF Textures: Aggressive and Smooth. Weight: 54g Medium Speed: Medium Fast Weight distribution: Progressively upwards The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The SAIF is a strong...
The BOLD KUNAI Textures: Smooth and Pointy. Weight: 68g Medium-Heavy Speed: Medium Fast Weight distribution: Lower Third The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The KUNAI is a refined...
The ART KUNAI Textures: Gently Aggressive. Weight: 68g Medium-Heavy Speed: Medium Fast Weight distribution: Lower Third The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. The KUNAI is a refined tool...
The BOLD KIT consists of 2 copies of the 6 BOLD KATA BLADES for a total of 12 items. The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. BOLD is softer,...
The ART KIT consists of 2 copies of the 6 ART KATA BLADES for a total of 12 items. The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. ART...
The BOLD+ART KIT consists of 2 copies of the 6 BOLD & the 6 ART KATA BLADES for a total of 24 items. The Klarus light and the KYO BLADE attachment system are sold separately. ...
The 7 basic original Liteblade® shapes for all types of light painting. *All Liteblades fits on the KYO system. **The light and Kyo attachment are sold separately. The Liteblade...
VERSION 2.0: The new KYO BLADE attachment has a wider jaw of 8mm (previously 6.5mm) and includes the ThumbScrews. Get the intro Liteblades® Kit with one Monolith blade, 1 KYO attachment, and...
VERSION 2.0: The new KYO BLADE attachment has a wider jaw of 8mm (previously 6.5mm) and includes the ThumbScrews. Get the 7 original Liteblades® with 1 KYO attachment, and 1 Klarus light....
VERSION 2.0: The new KYO BLADE attachment has a wider jaw of 8mm (previously 6.5mm) and includes the ThumbScrews. Get double the possibilities with 14 of the original Liteblades® ( 7 shapes...
VERSION 2.0: The new KYO BLADE attachment has a wider jaw of 8mm (previously 6.5mm) and includes the ThumbScrews. Get the Pro Kit with the 7 original Liteblades®, plus 2 KYO attachments,...
VERSION 2.0: The new KYO BLADE has a wider jaw of 8mm (previously 6.5mm) and includes the ThumbScrews. Double the possibilities with 14 of the original Liteblades® (7 shape x 2),...
VERSION 2.0: The new KYO BLADE has a wider jaw of 8mm (previously 6.5mm) and includes the ThumbScrews. Triple the possibilities with 21 of the original Liteblades® (7 shape x 2), plus 3 KYO...
The 18 different Pen Tips are designed for light calligraphy, light graffiti, writing, drawing, or simply to make fine lines. It is also used for light painting portraits and to apply...
The ARROW Pen Tip is a contrasted voluminous tool. It creates surprising squarish volumes with large side highlights. The end-line-overlaps are deep and layered. See the examples by clicking and...
The BEZEL Pen Tip gives a large thin, classy ribbon trail of light. Its gradation goes from dark to light, one side to the other. The end-line-overlaps are variant depending...
The BOLD Pen Tip is smooth with rich gradations, and the highlight concentrates towards the centre. It makes a clean line. The end-line-overlaps are distinctively bold, bright and add visual...